The Horrifying Secret (a.k.a. L’Orribile Segreto, a.k.a. L’Effroyable Secret…) is a DVJ LIVE PERFORMANCE celebrating music and cinema.


• A live dvj mix of soundtracks & videos totally synchronized, the turntables driving at the same time the music & the images.

• A catchy dj performance mixing pop, psychedelic, jazz, funk & cinematic grooves… from the world over.

• An audio & visual mix replacing the music on the films they were composed for.

• A video mash-up revisiting the « genre movie », horror, erotic, thriller, sci-fi, biker, kung-fu, zombie, giallo, blacksploitation…

• A musical journey which brings us from films to films to Amsterdam, Paris, Osaka, Addis-Abeba, Los Angeles, Roma, New Delhi…


Conception, edits, live audio & visual mix: Pierre Perrou Perides.

Event promoter, music digger, globetrotter dj, manager since 2006 of « Play it, Kick it !  » dedicated to events organization and rare records sale.


The performance can last between 45 min and 2 hours depending on the event. Clubbing, festival, opening acts and all events related to cinema.

Check the set-up section to see the equipment required and contact us to discuss any booking.